What Should I Do With My Life? The Answer:
Feeling stuck? Discover why asking "What should I do with my life?" is the wrong question and what to do instead.
So, you're sitting there wondering, "What am I doing with my life?" Maybe you've Googled this question - welcome! Maybe you've been staring at your ceiling, playing existential bingo.
Either way, let’s get real for a second: you’re not alone. Tons of people wrestle with this question, even the ones who look like they’ve got it all figured out. Well, guess what: they don’t.
Now listen, the problem isn’t that you don’t know what to do. The problem is that you think there’s a singular, magical answer.
I'm telling you there isn't. Instead, there’s a buffet of options waiting for you to grab a plate and dig in. Let’s unpack this together.
The Myth of the One True Path
First, let’s slay the dragon in the room: the belief that you have one purpose in life. Oh, please. Did you sign a contract at birth declaring you must become a world-class chef or save the whales? No.
Yet society - and Instagram - screams, "Find your passion!" as if it’s a sock that got lost in the laundry.
You know what? Life isn’t about finding some grandiose, preordained “should.” It’s about exploring what you can do. The possibilities are endless, and they’re not hiding. They’re right there, waiting for you to notice.
So, take a deep breath and toss the idea of a “single right answer” in the trash. It’s junk mail for your brain.
Why Feeling Lost Is Totally Normal
Feeling lost doesn’t mean you’ve failed; it means you’re human. Life is messy. Careers zigzag. Passions shift. And nobody has a GPS for their soul.
The truth? Most people stumble into things that work for them through trial and error.
Let’s normalize this: being unsure about your life’s direction isn’t a crisis. It’s an invitation to get curious. Instead of panicking, why not experiment?
Being lost is like standing in the middle of a maze. You’re not stuck - you’re on the brink of discovering which paths lead somewhere interesting.
Step 1: Ditch "Should" and Embrace "Can"
When you ask, "What should I do with my life?" you’re setting yourself up for misery. That word - should - is a buzzkill.
It’s loaded with guilt, pressure, and societal expectations. I'm getting riled up just writing about it. Instead, reframe the question. Try asking: "What can I do?"
Here’s the difference: should makes you feel boxed in. Whereas Can cracks the door open to opportunity. It shifts your mindset from obligation to possibility. Suddenly, life doesn’t feel so suffocating.
Step 2: Start with What You Like (Even a Little)
Don’t overthink it. Just ask yourself: "What do I enjoy?" Maybe it’s something small, like baking cookies or marathon-watching true crime documentaries. Cool. That’s a start.
The point is to follow the breadcrumbs. What lights you up, even a little? Explore that. You don’t need to have a five-year plan right now - just a starting point. Small joys can lead to big discoveries.
Step 3: Stop Comparing Your Life to Everyone Else's
Ah, the comparison trap. You’re scrolling, and there’s your old college buddy running a startup while raising alpacas. Great.
Meanwhile, you’re reheating last night’s pizza and debating if you should finally do laundry. Relatable.
Here’s the thing: their life isn’t yours. And thank goodness for that. What works for them might bore you to tears!
Stop treating other people’s highlight reels as your measuring stick. You’re writing your own story here, and it’s okay if it’s not a bestseller yet.
Step 4: Try Stuff (And Fail Spectacularly)
Here’s a secret nobody talks about: you’re probably not going to get it right the first time. And that’s fine. The goal isn’t perfection; it’s movement. Try a new hobby, take a class, or switch careers if you’re feeling bold.
Failure isn’t the enemy; it’s a clue. Every time you flop, you learn something valuable: what works, what doesn’t, and what you might want to try next.
Failure is basically free life coaching - but don't tell anyone or I'll be out of business.
Step 5: Define Success on Your Terms
Let’s get clear: success doesn’t have to mean a six-figure salary, a fancy title, or a verified Instagram account - which anyone can buy now! If it does, great! If it doesn’t, also great!
Success could mean having enough time to read books or spend time with your family. It could mean traveling the world or mastering the art of sourdough.
You’re the boss here. Define success in a way that feels right to you. Otherwise, you’ll spend your life chasing someone else’s dream - and that's no fun at all.
Step 6: Embrace the Pivot
Let’s say you’ve picked a path, and a year in, it’s not working. So what? Change course. I spent 7 years working towards a goal I set when I was 14. Turned out at 21 it wasn't what I wanted for my life.
Life isn’t a straight line; it’s a squiggly, unpredictable mess. The ability to pivot isn’t a sign of failure; it’s a sign of growth. Staying stuck out of pride or fear only wastes time.
Remember: you’re allowed to evolve. Your passions will shift. Your goals will change. That’s not chaos; it’s progress.
Step 7: Focus on Who You Want to Be
Instead of obsessing over what you’re going to do, think about who you want to be. Do you want to be kind, adventurous, creative, or resilient? These qualities can guide your actions and decisions.
The truth is, what you do will change over time. Who you are - and the values you live by - is what really matters. So aim for personal growth, not a perfect job title.
Step 8: Accept That There Are No Guarantees
Here’s the uncomfortable truth: no choice comes with a guarantee. You can pick a path that feels perfect today and hate it next year. You can chase your dream job and discover it’s more of a nightmare. That’s life.
The trick is to stop waiting for certainty. Take the leap, knowing you’ll figure it out as you go. Like I said, nobody else has it all figured out, either.
Something To Think About
Here’s the thing: there’s no universal answer to "What should I do with my life?" And thank goodness for that! You’re not stuck with one path. You get to choose, experiment, fail, pivot, and grow. That’s the beauty of it.
So, stop stressing over finding the “right” thing to do. Start exploring what’s possible. Trust that every misstep is part of the process.
And remember: it’s okay to feel lost. Sometimes, being lost is exactly where you need to be to discover something incredible.
Now, grab a notebook - or that crumpled napkin - and jot down a few things you can do today. Not next year, not someday. Today. Because that life you’re imagining? It starts with one tiny step. Let’s go!
This post hopes to answer the question "What should I do with my life?"